Sunday, May 30, 2010

Big Returns and Low Draw Downs

In the last 12 months we have been through the worst economic crisis since the great depression, and hopefully we have seen the worst of it. But at the end of the day, as investors or potential investors what have we really learned? I suspect not a lot. Individuals and fund managers will plow back their wealth back into the traditional investment vehicles and life will return to normal, or will it?
Given these circumstances it is obvious that there is a serious need for investors to re-evaluate the traditional invest vehicles that have been hit so heavily by the financial crisis. What is required is some diversification, not just a mix of different stocks but real diversification across different classes of assets. For suitably qualified investors, those with risk capital and appreciate of risk, an investment in Forex Managed Accounts may be the answer. This fulfills the necessary requirement for diversification and a suitably high ROI, to justify the risk associated with the asset class.
Other factors that appeal to would be investors is the high residual value associated with currencies. The major currencies usually associated with Forex trading are backed by the governments of some of the biggest economies in the world. It would take the bankruptcy of a large economy to completely erode the residual value of a currency. In the overall scheme a highly unlikely scenario since currencies typically traded by managed accounts are the Euro, the Pound, the Swiss Franc and Japanese Yen. These represent some of the strongest economies in the world, the failure of which seems very unlikely.
Never before has it become more apparent that a paradigm shift has occurred where traditional investments such as stocks and bonds and even bank deposits are not as safe as they would have investors believe. The mortgage based derivatives that brought about this whole crisis and the collapse of 72 banks were thought to have been as good as government guaranteed and likewise with the banks, the likes of Wall Street heavy weights Bear Sterns and Lehman Bros.
The financial crisis highlighted many inadequacies in our whole financial system, not the least of which was that ANY sized bank can fail, and the fact that you cannot rely on governments to protect the individual from the excesses of Wall Street and big business in general. As we witnessed the government was happy to give bailouts to a select number of big businesses and institutions but the generosity didn't extend as far to small businesses and investors. Many witnessed their retirement funds and investments disappear overnight. Obviously in times like these it is necessary to take charge of your own financial destiny and diversify your own investment portfolio, across numerous asset classes. Consider looking at the latest asset class in managed forex funds. Once considered amongst the very high risk end of the investment classes Forex now represents a serious alternative for suitably qualified investors.

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