Sunday, June 13, 2010

Big Breaking Forex News Moves The Market

Intraday traders will respond immediately to breaking forex news. More than 80 percent of forex currency trading is speculative in nature. The market tends to overshoot and then correct. The prominent news events that move markets like rate of interest changes, central bank meetings, economic releases may also move the forex market. However commodity price moves can also effect the commodity currencies. The commodity currencies are Cad (Canadian Dollar), AUD (Australian Dollar) and NZD (New Zealand Dollar).
Listed below are some of the news items that can move the marketplace

Central Bank MeetingsThe forex market will wait anxiously for any announcements following a central bank meeting. They are searching for either a change in rates of interest or some type of indication on which direction they are likely to head to. Investors may also try to find the minutes of central bank meetings to give more in depth analysis on what direction economic policy is to take. The larger the exchange rate differential the much more likely the currency is to appreciate.
Trade BalanceThe balance of trade is a way of measuring exports less imports. A trade deficit occurs when imports are more than exports.It is generally thought that running a large trade deficit over a period of times is damaging to a nation's economy and will likely dampen economic growth and employment.

You must not initiate a trade during a high news event as it can completly distort any position. News on asian currencies will generally only effect the asian market. Forex Managed Account - What Might Go Awry How Breaking Forex News Can Move Markets What Big Breaking Forex News Moves the Market

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